45" X 60" oil on canvas Available from the studio For information ... Contact us The story point ... She can hear her father calling, but she dives for cover in the dense kelp. There’s no time to explain the situation she’s been forced into. Anarchy has the upper hand, and Sarah has no doubt that her father would try to stop her if he knew. This was her fault, and she would make the decision, whatever that turned out to be, then face the consequences. Writing has long been a integral part of Mark Heine's creative process. In the pursuit of his original artistic voice, Mark's writing has evolved to become the driving force behind his work and has led him to envision a world of his own creation. Sirens, the culmination of 44 years exploration, is inspired by the sea-nymphs, made famous in Homer's Odyssey. These underwater visions of mythological muse are rooted in the moments of an ongoing and developing fictional narrative. This complex narrative, involving human evolution and our natural environment, is the unifying conceptual thread that ties these surreal visions. |