18" X 36" oil on canvas Available For information ... Contact Peninsula Gallery ... [email protected] I created this painting during the first few weeks of self isolation. It's difficult to focus with the steady drone of worsening, unreliable news bombarding you from every direction. The surreal experience of being unable to socialize is surprisingly difficult, even for an artist who for 37 years has spent his days isolated in a studio. But now it's mandatory ... hunker down, curtains closed, pale skin, Vitamin D, wandering thoughts, distant friends and family. I pose the question ... is it sanctuary if it's not voluntary? It's now April 24th, 2020. There are 2.76 million cases reported ... that's reported. It's hard to know where we stand. Is this still the beginning? Will it be the end? Writing has long been a integral part of Mark Heine's creative process. In the pursuit of his original artistic voice, Mark's writing has evolved to become the driving force behind his work and has led him to envision a world of his own creation. Sirens, the culmination of 44 years exploration, is inspired by the sea-nymphs, made famous in Homer's Odyssey. These underwater visions of mythological muse are rooted in the moments of an ongoing and developing fictional narrative. This complex narrative, involving human evolution and our natural environment, is the unifying conceptual thread that ties these surreal visions. #100 - 2506 Beacon Ave. Sidney, BC, V8L 1Y2, Canada
Tel (250) 655-1722 Email ... [email protected] Web site ... |
The July/August, 2024 edition of the prestigious Domus Architecture Magazine of Italy has selected my painting Sanctuary, to represent a feature on
DR. Samuel Peralta and the Lunar Codex that I am part of. There are now 63 of my paintings, in digital format, on the Moon with the first lander Nova C which landed on the moon in February 2024, with more landers to follow. Domus is a publication I've admired for many years. I'm thrilled to included!
DR. Samuel Peralta and the Lunar Codex that I am part of. There are now 63 of my paintings, in digital format, on the Moon with the first lander Nova C which landed on the moon in February 2024, with more landers to follow. Domus is a publication I've admired for many years. I'm thrilled to included!