Sophie And The Frisbee
8" X 10" oil on canvas
Original art is available
This is Sophie, a friend of my daughter, Sarah. Sarah’s 12 years old and I think Sophie is a similar age. They’re on a picnic to Spider Lake on Vancouver Island, B.C. Following a swim, they take up the Frizbee. This painting is based on a photo that Sarah took on the camera we bought her for her 12th birthday. That’s an experimental first for me. My children now live far away. I experience that part of their lives through photos. It’s a strange view and distant feeling. Mark Heine
8" X 10" oil on canvas
Original art is available
This is Sophie, a friend of my daughter, Sarah. Sarah’s 12 years old and I think Sophie is a similar age. They’re on a picnic to Spider Lake on Vancouver Island, B.C. Following a swim, they take up the Frizbee. This painting is based on a photo that Sarah took on the camera we bought her for her 12th birthday. That’s an experimental first for me. My children now live far away. I experience that part of their lives through photos. It’s a strange view and distant feeling. Mark Heine