The Mariner
36" X 48" oil on canvas Original art is sold The story point ... A look back in time to the ancient Greek roots of Siren mythology according to Homer. But Homer's account of Sirens as femmes fatales was tailored to suit the story of The Odyssey and represents one of the mysterious supernatural threats that Odysseus and his crew would face during their epic journeys. Thanks to Homer, the siren has become synonymous with the dangerous temptation embodied by woman, a common theme in Christian art and culture, as witnessed with Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis (1:1-2:4). For my coming Sirens book, I've taken a different interpretation of the siren myth to suit my purpose. In that cause I've designed this painting to have the viewer question the sirens' intent. We see the mariner, but is he alive or dead? We see the Sirens, but their role is ambiguous. Was the ill-fated mariner lured to his demise? Or are the sirens gathered to mourn, or even lend assistance? It's up to the viewer to write that story. Writing has long been a integral part of Mark Heine's creative process. In the pursuit of his original artistic voice, Mark's writing has evolved to become the driving force behind his work and has led him to envision a world of his own creation. Sirens, the culmination of 44 years exploration, is inspired by the sea-nymphs, made famous in Homer's Odyssey. These underwater visions of mythological muse are rooted in the moments of an ongoing and developing fictional narrative. This complex narrative, involving human evolution and our natural environment, is the unifying conceptual thread that ties these surreal visions. #100 - 2506 Beacon Ave. Sidney, BC, V8L 1Y2, Canada
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