Turtle Island, study
16" X 20" oil on canvas Original art is sold The story point ... A small isolated point of land, surrounded by ocean, Turtle Island is on the outer fringe of a series of small islands known as the Broken Group, off the west coast of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada. At the mercy of the open Pacific Ocean, mountainous waves with the fetch of thousands of miles pound relentlessly at it's rugged shores. Long ago, it was the site of wolf rituals for the Tseshaht First Nations people, indigenous to the area. Now abandoned, little sign of the Tseshaht remains visible, aside from the middens and an ancient stone weir at the tail of it's beautiful sheltered bay. This is where Aerica finds herself in exile and the guest of the island's only other inhabitant. Writing has long been a integral part of Mark Heine's creative process. In the pursuit of his original artistic voice, Mark's writing has evolved to become the driving force behind his work and has led him to envision a world of his own creation. Sirens, the culmination of 44 years exploration, is inspired by the sea-nymphs, made famous in Homer's Odyssey. These underwater visions of mythological muse are rooted in the moments of an ongoing and developing fictional narrative. This complex narrative, involving human evolution and our natural environment, is the unifying conceptual thread that ties these surreal visions. |